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Alternate job titles: Broker/Floor Representative | Exchange Floor Broker | Floor Trader | Trading Floor Broker

There is currently no job description for Stock Broker. Be the first to submit the job responsibilities for a Stock Broker.

Alternate job titles: Insurance Placement Specialist I

Develops and markets customer business to different insurance carriers to obtain quotes based on an evaluation and analysis of the customer's insurance needs and requirements. Assesses and negotiates quotes from different carriers based on exposure, risk, and financing. Develops recommendations to advises customers on the best options that will meet their needs and to place and retain the business. Requires knowledge of complex insurance products and a variety of lines such as commercial property & casualty, employee benefits, and others. Requires a bachelor's degree. Requires insurance licens more...

Alternate job titles: Entry Stock Plan Administrator | Level I Stock Plan Administrator

There is currently no job description for Stock Analyst. Be the first to submit the job responsibilities for a Stock Analyst.

Alternate job titles: Broker/Floor Representative | Exchange Floor Broker | Floor Trader | Trading Floor Broker

Receives buy and sell orders from clients or company executives and completes these orders on the securities trading floor. Evaluates market volatility and ensures clients receive the best rate available. Requires a bachelor's degree in area of specialty and may require state licensure. Typically reports to a supervisor or manager. Typically requires 4 to 7 years of related experience. Contributes to moderately complex aspects of a project. Work is generally independent and collaborative in nature. more...

Alternate job titles: Stock Ownership Documentation Clerk

There is currently no job description for Broker Assistant. Be the first to submit the job responsibilities for a Broker Assistant.

Alternate job titles: Insurance Broker Relationship Specialist

There is currently no job description for Business Broker. Be the first to submit the job responsibilities for a Business Broker.

Alternate job titles: Insurance Placement Specialist I

There is currently no job description for Broker In Charge. Be the first to submit the job responsibilities for a Broker In Charge.

Alternate job titles: Insurance Broker Relationship Specialist

There is currently no job description for Energy Broker. Be the first to submit the job responsibilities for a Energy Broker.

Alternate job titles: Insurance Broker Relationship Specialist

There is currently no job description for Customs Broker. Be the first to submit the job responsibilities for a Customs Broker.

Alternate job titles: Insurance Placement Specialist III

There is currently no job description for Principal Broker. Be the first to submit the job responsibilities for a Principal Broker.

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